Search Results
Smallville 3x02 - Morgan Edge threatens Clark to get his blood
Smallville 3x02 - Clark threatens Morgan Edge
Smallville 3x02 - Clark escapes from Lionel and Morgan Edge
Smallville 3x02 - Edge tells his thugs to bring Clark to Lionel / Lana saves the Kents
Smallville 3x02 - Helen tells her version of the plane crash / Clark threatens Morgan Edge
Smallville 3x02 - Lana saves the Kents from Morgan Edge's goon
Smallville 3x02 - Clark shows Jonathan the package he stole from Lionel / Lionel & Morgan Edge
Smallville, Superman's Early Years, Clark Uses his Blood to save Zod's Life
Smallville 3x02 - The truth about Lex's plane crash
Smallville Season 3 Kal meets Morgan Edge
Smallville 3x02 - Red K Clark vs Jonathan Kent
Smallville 3x02 - Clark is back home / Lex Luthor returns from the dead